Dualos Sponsors HUBZone Small Business Week Virtual Summit

Dualos Sponsors HUBZone Small Business Week Virtual Summit

TACOMA, WASHINGTON—Dualos will be a key sponsor of the 2020 HUBZone Small Business Week Summit, which will be hosted online this year as a virtual event from September 8–11.

HUBZone is a program of the United States Small Business Administration that was created in 1998 to support growth in historically underutilized business (HUB) zones with the goal of awarding three percent of all federal contract dollars annually to qualifying companies. These  are communities that by definition lack capital investment from Capitol Hill and in federal agencies. Meeting the three percent goal requires coordination, networking, outreach, and advocacy, as well as lobbying for economic development and policy reform, for which the nonprofit HUBZone Contractors National Council was formed.

The Small Business Week Summit is week-long networking and educational summit organized by the HUBZone Contractors National Council. It features training and educational seminars from top industry professionals, government and industry matchmaking with agencies and prime contractors, and panel discussions. Typically held as an in-person meeting, this year the Summit will be held virtually due to ongoing public health concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Dualos takes enormous pride in sponsoring this year’s event. Based in a HUBZone in Tacoma, Washington, Dualos itself is a Native American owned and women owned small business. Its advocacy for small businesses, women, and minorities not only makes strategic sense for the company—it’s part of its culture and values. Inspired by family, education, equal rights, and the environment, Dualos actively contributes to its local community by bringing higher paying jobs to the area and promoting the inclusion and advancement of minority groups in STEM industries.

“[Sponsoring this year’s Summit] was an easy decision for us,” says  Dualos President Nancy Papineau. “We try to lead by example. For business growth, economic growth, for our community, for our industry, for our personal growth. It’s who we are as a company. And the HUBZone program is a powerful tool for competition and the health of small businesses. Especially in 2020, and beyond.”

For more on the HubZone Council, please visit hubzonecouncil.org

Dualos, LLC Named to NSBA Leadership Council

Dualos, LLC Named to NSBA Leadership Council

Tacoma, WA – Rob Harris of Dualos, LLC, Tacoma, WA was recently named to the National Small Business Association (NSBA) Leadership Council. NSBA is the nation’s oldest small business advocacy organization and operates on a staunchly nonpartisan basis to promote the interests of small business to policymakers in Washington, D.C.

Harris, a recognized leader in the community, is an authority within the military, aerospace and government sector. In nearly 30 years in the test and embedded solutions industry he led the successful growth of several small companies. Harris’s latest venture, with partner Nancy Papineau, is Dualos, LLC. Dualos focuses on selling test, measurement, simulation and emulation solutions into complex and challenging defense ecosystems. A global business development specialist, Dualos partners with the largest and most respected test, measurement, simulation emulation manufactures. It’s a woman and Native American owned small business, located in a Tacoma, Washington HUBZone.

“Small business is a big category,” says Harris. “It’s important to recognize those that are owned by minorities, by women, by Native Americans. It’s important to bring Congressional attention to these enterprising communities.”

Harris joined the NSBA Leadership Council as part of his efforts to tackle the many critical issues facing small business, including tax reform, regulatory restraint, health care costs and how the Affordable Care Act will impact small business. The NSBA Leadership Council is focused on providing valuable networking between small-business advocates from across the country while ensuring small business a seat at the table as Congress and regulators take up key small-business proposals.

“I am proud to have Rob as part of the Leadership Council,” said NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken. “He comes to us highly recommended, and I look forward to our coordinated efforts for years to come.”

For more on the NSBA Leadership Council, please visit www.nsba.biz

Get the White Paper: Military Requirements for RF Channel Emulation

Dualos and Spirent Support Military Requirements for RF Channel Emulation with the Latest White Paper

Get the RF Channel Emulation White Paper

Today’s connected battlefield requires a new level of testing that depends on close collaboration between government defense agencies and private enterprises to ensure signals make it from Point A to Point B, successfully and securely. 

Whether you are designing battlefield radio hardware or software, building a military IoT device with an RF module, buying or evaluating devices, or developing network applications that use radios, you are probably grappling with the real-world challenges surrounding testing and simulation. 

Enter Spirent Communications. Long considered the foremost experts on the technical challenges that military radio system designers, integrators and buyers face, our partners at Spirent have developed a state-of-the-art tool for RF channel emulation. Known as the Vertex, it models real-world signal impairments and worst-case scenarios for fast and accurate testing, allowing users to bring new RF systems online quickly and at a lower cost than previously imaginable.

With Vertex, you can minimize your test challenges regarding wireless communications, electronic warfare, satellite communications, software defined radio, signal intelligence and mil/aero connected battlefield.

  • Vertex grows from 4 to 36 RF ports in a single chassis and is expandable to 144 ports in a multi-unit configuration
  • Its flexibility and density support a myriad of test configurations for SISO and MIMO, massive MIMO and beamforming, mesh networks, advanced MIMO OTA, and carrier aggregation
  • It supports up to 256 digital radio paths in a single instrument, has a native frequency range from 30 MHz to 5925 MHz (and up to 39 GHz via Vertex HFC), supports signal bandwidth to 200MHz (combinable channels for >1 GHz), and can replicate supersonic Doppler speeds
  • Vertex supports the Advanced Channel Model (ACM) software module which offers a user-friendly GUI that simplifies the design of the 3D propagation scenarios
  • The ACM software supports custom models and motion paths, as well as the latest 3GPP standards for LTE and 5G applications

If test and simulation challenges are inhibiting the launch of your RF system, then the latest white paper from Spirent and Dualos will be of interest to you. It provides a brief overview of RF channel emulation—a powerful and cost-effective means for testing military radio systems—and introduces Spirent’s Vertex Channel Emulator. 

Meeting the January 2020 Windows 10 Compliance Upgrade Deadline

Dualos is Here to Help You Make the Windows 10 Compliance Upgrade January 2020 Deadline

Windows cybersecurity and support issues affect military/aerospace avionics significantly and compliance is necessary to do business with, and continue doing business with the federal government. If your organization is not on track to meet the 2020 changeover deadline, now is the time to take action.  

If you’re part of the team responsible for system usage, these tasks fall on your shoulders—not on IT. But where should you start? With hardware? With software? How will you keep track of your unique system changeover needs? Remember, it’s not just your desktop PCs and servers that are in danger of next year’s compliance issues—it’s also you aircraft, shipboard, vehicle, and related test and development PCs, laptops and computers too. 

Take some guidance on where and how to start organizing your upgrade from the General Manager of the Avionics Business Unit here at Dualos, Bill Schuh. First, he recommends to list what the old system supports by asking questions like:

  • What does the system do? 
  • How is it used? 
  • Does the system still do the job and do you still need it?  
  • What software and peripherals are important? 
  • What would happen if you just turned it off and walked away?

Second, he advises customers to consider and note the following for your records:

  • Which version of Microsoft Windows is on the PC?
  • Standard Office needs (if any)—the specific applications.
  • All commercial applications, including development studios, control software, add-ons, etc.
  • Look closely for custom applications, custom add-ons.  
  • Special hardware or middle-ware drivers.  
  • Mods, macros, start-up routines or even remote booting 
  • Command line or special start-up icons
  • Back-up or mirroring connections/applications
  • Any database needs—SQL, etc.
  • Configuration files or keys
  • Bookmarks, secure logins, etc.

Finally, he recommends you do a system check and list the processor, graphics functions, local RAM and local storage.

If this all seems overwhelming, never fear. Bill and the application solutions experts at Dualos are happy to assist you during this stressful time. They’ve compiled a customizable checklist, delivered in a handy Word document to help you track the many moving parts so you can ensure continuity in operations and performance, while meeting compliance requirements with a system backed by modern cybersecurity. 

Get the Windows 10 Compliance Checklist

President Nancy Papineau, and Sales and Operations Director Cheryl Cavanagh recently traveled to Wisconsin to attend the 41st Annual Conference of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), where they led a group of 200+ volunteers! 

As a Native American owned small business, Dualos promotes a culture of inclusivity, giving back and supporting those in need. To this end, all employees are encouraged to contribute to non-profit organizations and/or events of personal significance throughout the year. 

This three day event attracts AISES members from across the continental United States, as well as Alaska, Hawaii and Canada. This year, 1,650 American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawiian, Pacific Islander, First Nation high school and college students made the journey to the highly anticipated event to further their personal and professional development.  

With a mission to increase the representation of American Indians and other indigenous groups in STEM careers – science, technology, engineering and math – the AISES hosts the annual conference in order to give students one-on-one networking opportunities with representatives from universities, national organizations and major corporations within STEM industries. 

“We thoroughly enjoyed our time at the annual conference and left feeling completely energized—even after 12+hour days of volunteering!” stated Nancy. “The AISES hits home with us at Dualos because we strive to grow inclusivity throughout STEM industries in order to elevate our community and expand the quality and innovation in these fields—and this event does just that! It’s simply not like other conferences we attend in a professional capacity, where people don’t even stay until the end of the event, and are only there to sell. This event truly IS about preparing these students for the realities of careers in STEM fields and we are honored to have the chance to contribute.” 

Over 250 exhibitors participated in this year’s conference, sharing resources, training and tips on vital topics such as, how to best prepare your resume, what interview skills to practice, and even how to apply for more specific career pathways, like working at a government agency. 

Universities from across the country also exhibited to promote their AISES chapter, introduce STEM specific areas of study, and even how to pay for post-graduate education. 

“Success for attendees of this conference can change the trajectory of their life,” stated Cheryl. “We saw many students taking full advantage of networking opportunities, leaving more prepared for the professional world, more knowledgeable of the steps to take to get the job they want, and some even with job prospects and/or follow up interviews!” 

The 2019 Annual Conference was a major success and we can’t wait for the 2020 Annual Conference which will be held in Spokane, WA! 

We are honored to contribute to the Fisher House Foundation

At Dualos, we are honored to contribute to the Fisher House Foundation and to promote their selfless acts that support our nation’s military members, veterans and their families. 

When service members are injured and hospitalized the costs of travel and lodging can be a drastic burden on visiting families, so the Fisher House Foundation covers these out of pocket costs for thousands of families each year. In fact, the Foundation helped more than 32,000 families in 2018 alone, and has saved military and veteran families an estimate $452 million since its inception in 1990. 

With 84 Fisher Houses located on military installations and VA medical centers around the country, the foundation gives the gift of a “home away from home” to military families during some of life’s most challenging trials. Additionally, the foundation offers scholarship programs, the Military Miles program, the Hotels for Heroes program, memorial service support and much more.  

As an active member of the avionics, military and aerospace industries, Dualos works to support this community through a range of philanthropic efforts, both locally and around the country. We truly believe that our business is successful when we can use our resources to help others achieve success in their own life, so they can in turn do the same for others. 

With multiple ways to participate in the Fisher House Foundation, anyone can help make a difference. We encourage everyone to learn how they can contribute to this excellent organization by visiting https://www.fisherhouse.org/ways-to-give/

Congratulations Dualos team for passing the AS91020B audit with flying colors!

With quality as a guiding principle, Dualos stands firm.  

Since our inception, Dualos has been guided by the principle of quality. It touches everything we do, every day to help us align our personal and company ethics and ensure we deliver the most value possible to our customers and partners. 

That’s why we are so proud of our rockstar team for passing our latest AS9120B audit with flying colors! 

Awarded to qualifying organizations, the Quality Management Systems — Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Distributors (AS9120B) emphasizes product safety requirements, counterfeit parts prevention, and performance evaluation for companies that procure and sell parts, materials and assemblies to these industries. This audit process is a vital step to ensuring the transfer of functional, correct and safe materials and products to manufacturers and end users alike. 

At Dualos, we pride ourselves on the guarantee of quality and regularly take steps to examine our own processes.  

In response to the recent audit, Dualos President Nancy Papineau praised her team saying, “

“My greatest gratitude and admiration to our team (all of them rockstars) for their efforts and diligence getting this accomplished. Brian, Robyn and Mike did a beautiful job preparing our Sumner facility, where all certifications were complete, and documented processes and work instructions are being followed! At the Tacoma office, Hannah, Lashonna, Cheryl and Guiliana prepared for the last month for this audit, and knocked it out of the park! Great job everyone, I’m so proud of you all!”

Spirent and Dualos Partner to Accelerate Pace of Aerospace and Defense Communications Testing

EATONTOWN, N.J.--Spirent Communications plc, the world leader in test, measurement, assurance, and analytics solutions for next-generation devices and networks, and Dualos, LLC, a leading provider of test and validation solutions, today announced a collaboration to provide communications test solutions tailored for military and aerospace communications systems. This collaboration will allow programs to lower costs and accelerate test cycles by leveraging Spirent’s commercial off-the-shelf Radio Frequency (RF) and Quality of Experience (QoE) test systems, with Dualos’ test design expertise and deep understanding of the unique needs and requirements of the military and aerospace sector.

Dualos’ designation as a minority-owned, WOSB and Hubzone-compliant small business further aids sourcing challenges for defense programs and contractors. Meanwhile, Spirent’s RF channel emulation solutions will enable communications system designers to simulate complex real-world effects - such as reflections, high-speed motion, and air-to-ground propagation - in the lab, allowing for faster deployment and cost savings.

“Acquiring commercial solutions is a priority for the U.S. Department of Defense,” said Dualos Executive Vice President, Rob Harris. “Our new partnership with Spirent’s Connected Devices business means we will now be able to provide the types of communications test solutions that can accelerate the pace of defense programs and deliver shorter acquisition cycle times and lower lifecycle costs.”

“We’ve chosen to partner with Dualos because they have unique expertise and experience in the complex environment of the military and aerospace sector. By working together and leveraging our proven, market-leading commercial technologies, Dualos’ solutions will bring new levels of speed and efficiency to the testing of tactical communications systems,” said Spirent Sr. Director of Global Channel & Alliance Sales, Mark Bateman.

Spirent and Dualos will be exhibiting at AFCEA WEST in San Diego, California, from February 13 – 15, 2019.

About Spirent

Spirent Communications plc. (LSE:SPT) offers test, measurement, analytics, and assurance solutions for next-generation devices and networks. The company provides products, services and information for high-speed Ethernet, positioning and mobile network infrastructure markets, with expanding focus on service assurance, cybersecurity and 5G. Spirent is accelerating the transition of connected devices, network equipment and applications from development labs to the operational network, as it continues to innovate toward fully-automated testing and autonomous service assurance solutions.

For more information, please visit www.spirent.com and follow us on LinkedInTwitter and Facebook.

About Dualos

Dualos is a company of highly qualified business development professionals and senior development and application engineers who understand the unique needs and requirements of the military and aerospace sector. We demonstrate uncompromising ethics and fully understand the requirements and processes in selling into the DoD and related branches. With decades of experience managing flow downs to the OEM, Dualos significantly limits risks and confusion throughout the entire selling process.

HUBZone Certification

“Dualos is honored to be selected and certified as a Historically Underutilized Business Zone entity. Dualos’ mission is to bring success and prosperity to the communities we serve” stated Nancy Papineau, President of Dualos.