RF Spectrum Analyzers – Lab/ATE

MS2690A Series
DANL of -166dBm (with 1GHz PreAmp)
- MS2690A – 50Hz to 6GHz
- MS2691A – 50Hz to 13.5GHz
- MS2692A – 50Hz to 26.5GHz
Use Cases
With superior RF performance, combined with three instruments in one small form factor, the MS269xA Series is ideal for 3GPP applications, Electronic Warfare (EW), Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), SATCOM and RF modeling.
Spectrum Analyzer functions
RF Input:
- Dynamic Range: 188dB
- TOI: ≥+22 dBm
- DANL: -166 dBm/Hz (1GHz PreAmp)
Vector Signal Generator functions
Freq Range: 125MHz to 6GHz
Freq Resolution: 0.01Hz
RF Output: +10 to -140dBm
RF Output Resolution: 0.01db
ARB Waveform Generator functions
Freq Range: 20kHz to 160MHz
Freq Resolution: 0.01Hz
Waveform Memory: 256Msamples
Waveform Dynamic Range: 14bits